P.L.S.M. Youth Program


We believe that in order to have healthy communities in the future with less criminality and more safety, security, quality education, and economical sustainability, we must first have young men with self-discipline. Therefore, in addition to group sessions for counseling and support, young men in our program will be matched with mentors who exhibit the virtues of power, love, and sound mind, and will engage in an immersive relationship process that promotes intellectual, spiritual, social, and emotional growth.
If the social notion of manhood and the training methods employed to achieve it fail to adequately educate young men to deal with more complicated social challenges, their masculinity will tend to be maladaptive and antisocial, putting society at risk. This is referred to as "reactionary masculinity." For far too long, the black community has been afflicted by reactionary masculinity, and as a result, violence has become a public health epidemic that has a direct impact on adolescents and families in Mecklenburg County.

Mecklenburg County has seen a considerable spike in killings since 2016, with black males between the ages of 14 and 24 constituting the majority of victims and perpetrators. Seeing a significant change in the rate of homicide and disproportionate minority contact amongst young black males in the criminal justice system requires more than a few hours of diversion program activities as an alternative to prosecution. For this reason, Bunk 57 Ministries P.L.S.M. Youth Program targets at-risk black males between the ages of 12-17 years of age. When a young black male is charged with simple assault, larceny, trespassing, public affray, communicating threats, disorderly conduct, property damage, weapons law infractions, or alcohol/drug violations, our approach goes at the "root" of the problem.  

Mental ability may play a significant role in behavioral transformation. It is, however, more than just cognition. What is in our hearts determines how we behave. This does not refer to the big organ in our chests that circulates blood through our veins. We mean the mind, will, and emotion when we say "heart." We want to replace F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) with power, love, and a sound mind.

  • Power = Ability & Responsibility (Response Ability)
  • Love = Patience, Kindness, Truth, Resilience, Faith, Hope, Endurance, Perseverance. When we love God and ourselves, it's easier to love others likewise. 
  • Sound Mind = Self discipline based on wisdom and clarity.

The mastery of these life principles leads to achievement and fulfillment.  Our communities' young men are not the enemy. They are the next generation of leaders, and exceptional leaders are required to guide us into a bright future. That is why we commit to making an impact that saves lives and, as a result, changes stories and destinies.



Once a child has entered the program they will be assigned a mentor.   Together they will establish an Abundant Life Plan to include Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Oriented (S.M.A.R.T.) Goals. Mentors are there to provide encouragement, guidance, informal counseling, and serve as role models. 
Mentors are adult males aged 21 and above who have undergone a background check and must attend an orientation session as well as a seven to eight-week interactive training program.

Mentors will meet with their assigned youth for a minimum of two hours per week for one year to provide guidance, oversight, and encouragement. Mentors and mentees will work together each week to work on activities that will help the program participant reach their S.M.A.R.T. goals.


Diverse fields, including clinical and school psychology, education and social work commonly employ group interventions for children and adolescents.  Group counseling and support groups show evidence of improving youths’ attitudes and coping skills and reducing problem behaviors. Bunk 57 Ministries will lead simple, sociable, and structured sessions to practice communication across differences and to promote understanding and connections.


Planned community projects will build leadership skills, increased sense of responsibility, and a heart for giving back and helping others.  Community involvement also provides the opportunity to apply academic learning to real life events, and exposure to a global view of society.  


Introduces young brothers to different environments allowing them to observe and function in communities other than their own providing other options than options that lead to negative contact with the justice system.

Your donation to support our P.L.S.M. Youth Mentoring Program helps cover the cost of food, activities and transportation.

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